
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

I was internet addictive. I heard Dars and then ….

Ubqari Magazine - September 2018

Dear Readers! The Dars by Hazrat Sahib is changing lives of millions. It’s pertinent to mention here that The Great Name of Allah is also recited in Dars, therefore, problems start solving wherever it’s listened. Please listen Dars daily whether you are home, at work or driving.

This is a real story. All characters are changed deliberately. Any similarity may result of coincidence.

Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam Aleykum! May Allah Almighty reward you with long life, with blessing and pleasures, Tasbeeh Khana may live for long and keep continue changing life of sinners like us, Amen. I further pray to Almighty Allah that this person has tried to save us falling into hell and has shown us the way towards heaven, O Allah, this person who show right path to humans and teach us to respect even an ant, please keep blessing his generations to come until the day of judgement, Amen.

I want to share my life before I turned to the Ubqari. As I grew, I found an Islamic environment in my home, offering Salat and reciting Quran Kareem was obligatory. But with a passage of time I gradually fell into bad gathering that I forgot to realize that whatever I was committing was a sin. My life was filled with films, dramas, songs and even porn films. I belong to a small village of Southern Punjab. My father is an engineer. There was many corruption in his department therefore, he quitted that job and resumed another job in 1999 with the aim to earn Halal only. This is the blessing of Almight Allah as we are getting Halal livelihood only.

We migrated to Islamabad in 2004. I was a student of grade ninth and a punctual Salat performer. But this migration to an advanced city changed my life as I found new ways to commit sins. Then I fell into the world of web. I would commit sins not knowing that it is not good. When I would join the gathering of pious people then I knew that what I am doing is not good and are great sins. My sins were growing with my life even I would spend the whole night surfing on net. Then I passed matriculation exams and joined a college. I made a girlfriend. Those were the last nights of Holy month of Ramadan in 2007 and I spent those valuable moments while talking to her. Then I started dating. I did not like that girl, but I was just passing time with her with the hope to quit her as soon as I would find a pretty girl.

Then I made another girlfriend who was pretty than the previous one. Therefore, I decided to quit the existing one. But she got serious and threatened me that she would commit suicide if I broke up. Therefore, I decided to continue with both of them at same time. I would talk to them using separate mobile Sims. My life was colorful as I was making both girls fool. I committed several sins from 2007 through 2011. Salat, Quran, Benediction all were left behind. I used to spend my time at home while surfing at porn site and sexual talks to those girls. They used to threaten me had I stop contacting them. Even one of them got forcefully married by her family. She was sad while I felt happy as I get rid one of them.

I started job as college life was over. But my life routine remained unchanged. Smoking, watching films, dramas, songs, porn movies, internet and love affairs with girls was parts of my daily life. Despite all these evil things I was enjoying an honorable status in the society as these dirty things are not considered a sin in our society. I had flown far through the dirty sea of sins. Even I forgot to offer the Salat.

Then I saw Ubqari Magazine at home as my mother was fond of it and used to listen to Dars of Hazrat Hakeem Sahib. One day at home, while laying over a couch I picked up the Ubqari magazine, turned its pages but could not develop interest in it. That was a morning of January or February 2015, my mother was listening to Dars of Hazrat Hakeem Sb on Laptop. I was listening to Dars as I was taking breakfast. Then I stopped eating sat with my mother and started listening the Dars with interest. Then I learnt how wrong I was as I had committed several sins. I worried the consequences had I die without mending my ways.

I headed towards my room, made ablution and offered pardon to Allah. Perhaps that was first time that I cried in front of my Allah. I felt my heart a bit better. I turned on my laptop, deleted all porn materials and cleared the internet history.  I visited Ubqari website and listened Darses. I did not leave my room for the whole day and just kept listening the Dars and crying. Then I woke up on the same night to offer Salat Tahajjud and offered Salat two hours earlier Salat Fajar. I went to prostration and talked to Allah and cried very much. I bagged pardon from Allah Almighty as He is Kareem. Adhan for Fajar were offered from mosques. I left the home for mosque and entered the mosque with extreme embarrassment. I stayed at mosque after offering Salat and spent the whole day in mosque. Then I got vacations from my office and spending the whole day in mosque a routine. I would visit mosque in early morning and remained in mosque with the aim of Nafli Etikaf. I would spend my time in crying, bagging pardon, reciting Quran Kareem and Zikar etc.

I was totally changed when I resumed my duties as I was a punctual Salat performer and cleansed from all types of bad habits. My colleagues were surprised looking at me. Some thought as I had fell in a critical disease therefore I have become pious, some opined that some maulvi has captured me. I would hear all these talks but kept patient as I was satisfied from my heart.

Alhamdulillah, it has taken one year as I have quit all kind of sins and turned to Salat, Tasbeeh and Durood etc. I also visited Tasbeeh Khana Lahore and met with Hazrat Hakeem Sb, who encouraged me by putting his hands on my shoulder for three times. I made my life as I heard his Dars.

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